Our Rule mandates us to be involved in apostolic ministries. When we are called to action, we embrace the call joyfully. At this time, we are planning for a ministry to the poor through which each of us can serve in a variety of different ways.
The various apostolates through which our members currently serve:
Ministers of Holy Communion
Bringing of Holy Communion to sick and homebound
Tutoring and teaching of autistic children
Parish Catechists
Parish Directors of School of Religion
Catechists to Adult Mentally Disabled
Formators of Catechists for the Archdiocese of New York
Retreat Leaders
Visitors to Fraternity members who are incapacitated by age or illness
Leaders of Marian Youth Groups
Eucharistic Adorers
Philippine apostolate "2000 Hail Marys" Eucharistic and Marian Devotion
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Ladies of Charity
Companions to Down-Syndrome Teens and Adults