Inner Hermitage and Our Monthly Meeting

Our meeting on May 4 was an interesting session with both Brother Tom and Sr Margaret Mary speaking to our members.

Brother Tom told us of an interesting experience he had in Assisi by the hermitage just sitting. So many people came to talk to him and he assured them we would pray for them. Please note that God knows the names and details of these folks - we have the information below about their identity :).

  • A friar in Assisi will pray for us and we should pray for him (God knows his name)

  • A nun from Darfur who’s family was kidnapped we should pray for them (again God knows)

  • A young guy who left finance to become a priest

  • Sr Mary Refuge of Sinners taking perpetual vows shortly

Brother Tom told us the inner hermitage is like something St Theresa of Avila and St Catherine of Siena had done for themselves - the interior relationship with God. We all need a hermitage to be alone with God.

St Margaret Mary told us about her childhood and education. She is a formidable woman with so many incredible experiences and more to come. She is passionate about climate change and about helping others through education. She always knew God was present and knew she wanted to live a religious life from an early age.

She was the dean of education at Bonaventure for many years. She has been in the community for 60 years! The community was established in the US in 1859, Jamaica in 1879, Brazil 1946, Bolivia 1965 and Mozambique in 2021! The median age of the sisters is 81.

Sr Margaret Mary said they live in joy. She brought this prayer for us to say:

Brother Tom pointed out she is a visionary.

Next month we will bring donations for the men of CHIPS. This month was donations for the women. Brother Tom said to think of toiletries etc.

Our meeting in June will be the last before we break for summer. We will get information about a potential retreat August 2-4 coming soon.

Pax et bonum.