Happy feast day for our Fraternity’s namesake, St Elizabeth of Hungary.
Photo from Web search.
St Elizabeth of Hungary was inspired by St Francis of Assisi to help others and spent her royal life giving to the poor, helping the needy and feeding the hungry. She is the patron saint of bakers, beggars, brides and widows, to name a few. She was a member of the Secular Franciscan Order. She joined the order in 1228. She founded a hospital in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi. After her husband died, she was mistreated by her in-laws who did not agree with her giving nature. They wanted her to stop giving away the riches to the poor and removed her from the house. She was able to continue her good works with the help of her fallen husband’s comrades. You can read more about St Elizabeth of Hungary here.
St Elizabeth of Hungary, pray for us. Pax et Bonum.